Ark City Farm and Art Market

  • 701 N Summit St, Arkansas City, KS  67005



Market Hours: May 7th through September 24th | Tuesday 5-7 pm

Market Location: Wilson Park, 701 N Summit St. Ark City, KS


The Ark City Farm and Art Market fosters a family friendly environment with live music, food demonstrations, as well as a POP Club for the kids where they earn market bucks to spend on healthy produce. Vendors are local to Cowley County and the surrounding area, so products never travel more than 75 miles to market. Items available include: fresh produce, grass-fed meat, farm fresh eggs, live plants, breads and other baked goods, homemade jellies, jams, salsas, and other various value added products. Additional non-food products offered include jewelry, home decor, soaps, lotions, other bath and body products, and more.
