Green Valley Honey produces local honey, pollen and handmade soaps. We also sell honeybees, remove unwanted honeybees in trees, buildings and swarms. Removing honeybees is a free service. We currently manage over 60 beehives, and all are within a 15-mile radius of Manhattan, KS. From April through October our honey is sold at a self-service stand at the end of our drive at 7680 Junietta Rd. As the weather turns cold, the honey is moved to the honey kitchen beside our home where it can be kept warm, so it won't crystalize and is still self-service and works off the honor system. Sizes range from 2oz to 5 gallons and comes in both plastic and glass containers. If you have a group that would like to have us come and do a presentation on honeybees, please call! For more information call Rick at 785-410-1728.